Register Your Vaporbrothers® Product
*Please enter your serial number (a 6 digit number found on the bottom of the unit)
*Model: Please Select Model Natural Hands Free Dark Hands Free Color Hands Free (any color) Natural Standard Natural Euro 220V
Did you get extra Whips, Ceramic Screens, or other accessories with your purchase? Yes No
*What is the name of the store where you purchased your vaporizer?
City, State (if purchased from a website, leave blank)
*Date of Purchase
*What did you pay for your vaporizer kit?(not including extra accessories or shipping fees etc) $
Is this your first vaporizer? Yes No
How did you find us? Heard about online Heard from a friend / stubled across it at their house Met us at an event Other:
What influenced you to choose this product over others?
How do you like your vaporizer so far? (1 dislike, 5 like) 1 2 3 4 5
How do you rate your experience with the store you purchased from? (1 dislike, 5 like) 1 2 3 4 5
Do you feel we adequately explained the warranty that came with your unit? Yes No
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone
What is your preferred method of contact? Phone Text Email Mail Contact me only for issues with my registration or for important product safety updates or recalls. Add me to a very occasional newsletter that features tips, tricks, coupon codes, and useful information about my vaporizer.
Any comments about the vaporizer or the experience purchasing you would like to share? (We do read this, but your urgent questions should be sent to our support department)